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WP 1 - Clustering | WP 2 - Workshops | WP 3 - Management training | WP 4 - Dissemination

Work package description

WP 1 is providing the necessary clustering environment for the STREP projects from the same call: SPENS, ARCHES and Heavyroute, and other relevant on-going projects in which they will work in synergy to provide maximum output for the NMS and CEEC without duplicating their work.

Language is a major obstacle for efficient dissemination of European research results in the NMS and CEEC. Thus, apart from four international events, WP2 will organise six workshops in mother languages to attract much higher number of the interested end-users than usually attend international conferences. For the same reason, it will translate into the mother languages some of the key documents of the three projects.

Until today, partners from some NMS have taken part in the EU Framework projects on road infrastructure research, but without major responsibilities. WP 3 will organise training courses for leaders of European research projects, in order that partners from NMS and CEEC will play a much more active role in the future European research activities.

WP4 is working on dissemination of results. It will prepare a consistent multi-lingual Internet platform for the projects and manage the common end-users group (road administrations, designers, construction companies, industry etc.). This will provide an effective link between the road research activities at the European level and the implementation at local level.